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My Ebenezer

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:16

This summer marks 40 years since I turned to the Lord. The veil over my eyes was taken away and I found freedom. Freedom from myself. In that summer of 1984, alone in my apartment, I gave my life to the Lord.

Having come to the end of myself and doing things my way, I sought to know Jesus. The same Jesus I had been taught about, heard about all of my life. But I didn't know Him. I read the book of John and after that, my seeking heart found the One who showed me the love of my Heavenly Father. Turns out, He loved me all along. He saw everything I had ever done and still loved me. Deeply. He actually was putting people in my path to draw me back to Himself. Only He can fill the longings of the heart. Only He truly can love me like no one else.

Who can resist that kind of love? We get distracted by things and people but none of those can ever satisfy. Living in the love of God is the sweet spot. We were made to be loved by God and out of that love, love others.

If you mess up, He knows. He still cares. He out loves, forgives, covers, restores, renews and rescues. Its who He is. You can't out sin His grace and forgiveness. Before, I could not imagine a God like that. I never felt worthy. For good reason. I'm not. But His love for me is not based on my goodness. I was an enemy in my own mind. Trying to be good doesn't work...not for long. Its the knowledge of the love of God that changes a heart. Its knowing Him.

I still mess up. It grieves me when I do. I forget His grace sometimes. But I trust Him. And my only response is to worship Him. To say thank you. My mistakes are no surprise to Him. They are covered by my Defender, Jesus. Recently, I heard these words whispered to my heart: I loved you then. I love you now. And nothing is going to change that.

40 years has gone by fast. And I am so thankful for that day in the summer of 1984.

That same year in April of 1984, Dewey met Jesus. And later that year in December, I met Dewey. There have been so many ways, so many little things woven together in the tapestry of our lives that only God could do. And I marvel at it all. Day to day we can lose sight of what He does, but each day I will look for Him. I still need Him today as much as I did 40 years ago.

God loves His kids. You are one. Seek Him and you will find Him and with Him a very personal, amazing love for you.

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1 Comment

Jul 18

So good and so true! I love your heart for the Lord!

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